Using Python (Cleaning), SQL (Analyzing)
& Power BI (Visualization)

What is Cohort Analysis?

Cohort analysis is a type of behavioral analytics that takes data from a given dataset and rather than looking at all users as one unit, it breaks them into related groups for analysis. These related groups, or cohorts, usually share common characteristics or experiences within a defined time-span.

Cohort analysis allows a company to "see patterns clearly across the lifecycle of a customer (or user), rather than slicing across all customers blindly without accounting for the natural cycle that a customer undergoes." By seeing these patterns of time, a company can adapt and tailor its service to those specific cohorts.


The Data Sources


Data set which contains all the transactions for a UK online retail from "Online Retail"
File data with columns: InvoiceNo, StockCode, InvoiceDate, CustomerID,...
Access this link to Download data: Here

Download Dataset from website: Here
Or download dataset in my repository: Here

Data Cleaning with Python in Google Colab

Import neccessary libraries and read file:


Data overview:



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Check duplicated Value
(by this Script)

# duplicated values check data = data data['dup_flag'] = data.groupby(['InvoiceNo','StockCode','Quantity'])['InvoiceDate'].rank(method='first').astype(int) duplicates = data[data['dup_flag'] > 1] duplicates
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UnitPrice less than 0

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Quantity less than 0

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Customer Null and 0

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My Exploration

  • Total Records: 541909 records.
  • Total Columns: 8 columns.
  • All columns with correct data type.
  • There are 2 columns with null values: Description with 1454 and CustomerID with 135080 null values.
  • There are 10624 records with Quantity less than 0.
  • There are 2 records with Price less than 0.
  • There are 135080 records with CustomerId equal 0 and Null values.
  • There are 5431 records duplicated.

The Scripts of Cleaning

  • Delete records with Quantity less than 0, UnitPrice less than 0, Customer ID equal to 0, and Customer ID with Null values.
  • Delete duplicated records.
  • Each StockCode will correspond to each individual Description. The null Description field may be due to a lack of input by the employee, so the Description can be filled in by checking the StockCode against the previous product.

Here is my code for cleaning in Python:

# Delete records with Quantity < 0 data = data[data['Quantity'] > 0] # Delete records with Price < 0 data = data[data['UnitPrice'] > 0] # Delete records with Customer ID = 0 or Customer ID is Null data = data[(data['CustomerID'] != 0) & (data['CustomerID'].notnull())] # Delete duplicated values data['dup_flag'] = data.groupby(['InvoiceNo', 'StockCode', 'Quantity'])['InvoiceDate'].rank(method='first').astype(int) data = data[data['dup_flag'] == 1] # Drop column dup_flag data = data.drop(columns=['dup_flag']) # Create a dictionary that maps each StockCode to its corresponding Description stockcode_to_description = data.dropna(subset=['Description']).drop_duplicates('StockCode').set_index('StockCode')['Description'].to_dict() # Filling the missing values in Description # Define a function to fill missing Description based on StockCode def fill_missing_description(row): if pd.isnull(row['Description']): return stockcode_to_description.get(row['StockCode'], None) else: return row['Description'] # Apply the function to the 'Description' column data['Description'] = data.apply(fill_missing_description, axis=1)

Data After Clean (with 392668 Records)
(Save it to new files)

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Download the Data After Cleaning: Here

SQL Script - Customer Cohort Analysis (Time - Based)

SELECT * FROM datasource_online_retail_clean AS d --------------BEGIN COHORT ANALYSIS---------------------------- ---Data Required: --Unique Identifier (CustomerID) --Initial Start Date (First Invoice Date) --Revenue Data (Quantity*UnitPrice) SELECT CustomerID, MIN(InvoiceDate) AS First_purchase_date, DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(MIN(InvoiceDate)), MONTH(MIN(InvoiceDate)),1) AS Cohort_Date into #cohort FROM datasource_online_retail_clean GROUP BY CustomerID --Create Cohort index SELECT mm.*, cohort_index = Year_diff*12+Month_diff+1 INTO #cohort_retention FROM ( SELECT m.*, Year_diff = InvoiceYear - CohortYear, Month_diff = InvoiceMonth - CohortMonth FROM ( SELECT d.*, c.Cohort_Date, YEAR(d.InvoiceDate) AS InvoiceYear, MONTH(d.InvoiceDate) AS InvoiceMonth, YEAR(c.Cohort_Date) AS CohortYear, MONTH(c.Cohort_Date) AS CohortMonth FROM datasource_online_retail_clean AS d LEFT JOIN #cohort AS c ON c.CustomerID = d.CustomerID ) AS m ) AS mm --WHERE CustomerID = 18168 ---cohort_retention.csv table-- SELECT * FROM #cohort_retention -- --Pivot Data to see the cohort table SELECT * INTO #cohort_pivot FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT CustomerID, Cohort_Date, cohort_index FROM #cohort_retention ) AS TBL PIVOT( COUNT(CustomerID) FOR Cohort_Index In ( [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13] ) ) AS Pivot_Table ORDER BY Cohort_Date --Cohort_table_count SELECT * FROM #cohort_pivot ORDER BY Cohort_Date --Cohort_table_percentage select Cohort_Date , (1.0 * [1]/[1] * 100) as [1], 1.0 * [2]/[1] * 100 as [2], 1.0 * [3]/[1] * 100 as [3], 1.0 * [4]/[1] * 100 as [4], 1.0 * [5]/[1] * 100 as [5], 1.0 * [6]/[1] * 100 as [6], 1.0 * [7]/[1] * 100 as [7], 1.0 * [8]/[1] * 100 as [8], 1.0 * [9]/[1] * 100 as [9], 1.0 * [10]/[1] * 100 as [10], 1.0 * [11]/[1] * 100 as [11], 1.0 * [12]/[1] * 100 as [12], 1.0 * [13]/[1] * 100 as [13] FROM #cohort_pivot ORDER BY Cohort_Date

In this script, I created some CTE (Common Table Expression):

  • 1. cohort: store CustomerID, their First purchase date, and the Cohort Date.
    • First purchase date: using MIN(InvoiceDate) to Calculate the first purchase day of each customer.
    • Cohort Date: using DATEFROMPARTS(YEAR(MIN(InvoiceDate)), MONTH(MIN(InvoiceDate)),1) group the data into cohorts based on the month of the first purchase for each customer.
  • 2. cohort_retention: calculates the Year_diff and Month_diff for each row. These values represent the difference in years and months between the InvoiceDate and the Cohort_Date.
  • 3. cohort_pivot: perform PIVOT data and create the cohort_table_count to display the number of customers in each cohort over time.
  • 4. cohort_table_percentage: to calculate the percentage of customers in each cohort over time .
  • After that, I loaded this SQL Scripts to Power BI to visualize.

Customer Cohort Analysis Dashboard

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